About Us
The Lake George Cabin and RV Park has been around in various forms since the late 1940’s as close as we can tell. Originally called El Rocco Lodge, then Rodger’s Cottages. In 1993, it was Platte River Cabins. We don’t know all the history, only that it is rich. Shortly after buying the property, a young man pulled up to tell us his grandfather met his grandmother here. Apparently, Grandpa rode up on his motorcycle after the war, (must’ve been Korea or Vietnam?,) and Grandma worked or lived here. Many people have fond memories and you’ll feel that when you visit.
On June 8, 2014, a tornado blew through here, tipping 7 RV’s and several trees, causing damage to the lodge and 2 of the cabins. There were no injuries to any people though. I believe it was after that, that the owners put the cross up on the hill in the back of the property.

Your Hosts
We are Steve, Stacey, & Lucy McCoy and have lived in Colorado most our lives. Steve’s family were caretakers at The Lost Valley Ranch, not far from here. He grew up there, mending fences and chopping wood, feeding and watering animals every day before walking 2 miles to the bus stop to get to and from school, uphill both ways! He graduated from UCCS. We met and raised our family in Colorado Springs and Woodland Park. Steve sold his business in Colorado Springs and we became empty nesters so we started thinking about our ‘third act.’ We sought a small business that we could run together in the mountains that we love and here we are. We hope you enjoy being here as much as we do